Microsoft Office

Transition tab in PowerPoint

Transition tab in PowerPoint-To add a transition into your presentation select the Transitions tab. You are then given a variety to choose from. When you select a Transition it will show a preview on the existing slide. You must have text or an image within the slide to see a preview.

Transition tab in PowerPoint

Along the right hand side of the Transition tab you will see Duration. This allows you to modify the Duration of the Transition that is present on the particular slide. This also features an ability to play a sound and to control whether aur not to change to the next slide by “On Mouse Click”.

This tab has three groups:

  1. Preview Group
  2. Transition to This Slide Group
  3. Timing Group

Preview Group

Preview Group

It is used to preview the transition applied in the slide include transition effect applied on objects and text.

Transition to This Slide Group

This transition effects will appear when one slides goes to the next during the slideshow. It is just a normal transition. However you can add special effects to transitions to make the transitions a little more exciting. As well as you can also set slide timing for a particular selected slide or all slides used in a presentation. The slide timing is referred to as the time interval for incoming of a slide and moving away from the screen. It can be set manually on an event or automatic.

Transition to This Slide Group

Steps to add transition effect into the slide :

  1. Open a presentation that already contains slide.
  2. Select the desired slide from the slide navigation pane.
  3. Click the Transition tab, then locate the Transition to This Slide group. By default None is applied to each slide.
  4. Click a transition to apply it to the selected slide.
Effect Options 

This option change to the variation of the selected transition. Variation let you change properties of a transition effect, such as its direction.

Timing Group

Time setting of interval between slides for automatic and delay.

Timing Group

This option has sounds to play during the transition from the previous slide to next one.


This option specifies the length of the transition.

To modify the transition duration:

  1. Select the slide with the transition you want to modify.
  2. In the Duration field, in the Timing group, enter the desired time for the transition.
Apply to All

You can use the Apply to All command in the Timing group to apply the same transition to all slides in a presentation. Keep mind that this will modify any other transitions you have applied.

Advance Slide

Use the options in the advance slides section to specify how to move from one slide to another.

If you want the next slide to appear either when you click the mouse or automatically after the number of seconds you enter, whichever comes first, select both the On Mouse Click and the Automatically After check boxes.

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About the author

Pooja Rastogi

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