Review Tab in MS Word 2023 -:Review Tab is consist of Spelling and Grammar, Thesaurus, Translate, Compare and Protect Documents.
View Tab

View tab consists of Print Layout, Full screen Reading, Macros, Split etc.
In Review Tab are :-
- Proofing
- Language
- Comments
- Tracking
- Changes
- Compare
- Protect
Editing Tab:- There is number of tools used in documents editing and profiling like Spelling &Grammar, research, Thesaurus, Translate, Setting Language, counting words etc. Here are the detailed information heading wise….
Checking and correcting spellings:- Spelling & Grammar is the vital tool of Microsoft Office word which is used to check and correct spellings as well as Grammatical mistakes. Microsoft Office word enriches this facility in the application to be used by a user during documents drafting.

Here are the steps to check Spelling & Grammar in the documents:-
- Go to Tools menu and choose Spelling and Grammar.
- Go to review tab and click Spelling and Grammar in the processing group or Press F7.
- This will start checking the Spelling as well as Grammar.
Research:- Research is the tool which is used to do investigate or comparison or find meaning of a specific word in different language and scenario with all references books and assistance. In default, there are few English standards set like English (US), English (UK), French Spanish, Arabic etc.
Thesaurus:- Thesaurus is the Dictionary or vocabulary of word with different language set. We can formally call it as vocabulary which is used by the Research tools to investigate or find the meaning of the word.
Translate:- It is another tool under proofing group which is used to find the translation of a specific word in different language. There are some languages standards set to do the translation into. This also used by the Research tool which does monitoring of the words doing whether Translation or finding thesaurus.
Word Count:- It is another rich tool of Microsoft Office Word used to count words in the active documents. This facilitates a user to find Total number of Pages, Words, Characters, with spaces, Characters without spaces, paragraphs, line in the active documents.
Here are the steps of counting words in the active documents
- Click tools menu and choose Word Count. Or
- Go to Review Tab and click Word Count Tool under Proofing groups; then
- It will show you total number of Pages, words, character, paragraph, lines in a dialog window.
Setting Default Language:- Setting default language helps you in performing the job of checking the spelling and grammar in a better way. You can set the default language by using the Set Language option from the Proofing group under the Review tab. Selection of the language is made from the list of languages provided in the Microsoft Office.
Let’s perform the following steps to set the default languages:-
- Select Review Tab. Different commands under the Review tab.
- Click Set Language button under the proofing group. A language dialog box.
- Set the default language using Language dialog box and then click the default button. A message box appears for setting the selected language as the default language.
- Click the Yes Button.
Inverting & Removing Comments:- In Word comments, are well organized and easy to read and manage. Word encloses the comments within balloons or inline and highlights them with different colors to distinguish each reviewers who has given the comments. You can read a comment in Draft view and Outline view by moving the pointer over highlighted text and reading the pop up box, but in Print Layout view and Web Layout view, comments appear in balloons on the right side of the text.

The steps to insert comments in your documents are as follows:-
- Select a word or sentence on which you want to insert a comment.
- Select Review Tab, and then select New Comment button from the Comments group. A new balloon appears on the right side of the documents where you can enter a comment.
- Click inside the balloon and type the comment inside the balloon.
You can also delete the comments by following these steps:-
- Click the comments balloon.
- Select Review Tab and select the Delete Comment button from the Comments group. This will delete the selected comment from the documents. To delete all the comments from the documents click the down arrow of the Delete Comment button under the Comments group and select Delete all comments in documents option. In this section, we learned about inserting and removing comments in a Microsoft Word documents. In the next section, we learn about track changes within the documents.
Tracking Changes:- When many people review a documents, it becomes difficult to figure out exactly which changes are done by a particular person. Most importantly, it becomes impossible know how the first draft looked like. In order to know the changes done to documents text, Word offers the Track Changes command. When you turn on this command, every change done in the documents is recorded in a different color for each reviewers.

Let’s follow these steps to perform the track changes in a documents:
- Click the Track Changes button and select Track Changes option. Now, make some changes in the documents. In this case, we have added some text, which can be seen in as underlined and in different color. In this section, we learned about track changes within the documents. In the next section, we learn about accepting and rejecting changes within a Microsoft Word Documents.
Accepting and Rejecting Changes:- Word gives you the option to accept or reject the changes done to your document one at a time. The best way to Handle these changes is to go through the documents, rejecting the changes that are irrelevant and finish reviewing by accepting all the remaining changes.

Let’s perform the following steps to accept and reject the changes:-
- Select the Review tab.
- Click the Next Change button under the changes group to highlight the changes in the documents.
- Click the down arrow of the Accept button under the Changes group and select accept and Move to Next.
Now to reject the changes, follow the steps given here:-
- Under the Changes group, click the Reject Changes button to Reject the change. This will remove the newly added text from the documents. In this section, we learned about accepting and rejecting changes within the documents. In the next section, we learn about comparing and combining multiple versions of a documents.
Comparing and Combining Multiple Versions of a documents:- Comparing and combining multiple versions of a document involves a deal of enhanced options for specifying the varied changes for which you are combining or comparing the documents, for example, formatting of the two documents. This option is helpful for reviewing different documents with different formatting and then ultimately combining all the documents with different formatting into one document comparing and combining different version of the document are the two sides of the same coin with a slide difference comparing is to used to compare the different version of the same document in addition combining is used when you want to compare and identify the changes in the document.

Comparing the Documents
Comparing different version of the document help us in analyzing certain differences between the two documents for example for meeting of the two documents:-
Let’s perform the following steps to compare the document:-
- Start MS Word and select review type from the ribbon different commands under the review tab appear.
- In the compare group click the arrow on the compare button are list appear select the compare option from the list. As a result compare document dialogue box appear.
- Click folder icon to navigate and select the original documents under the original document area you can also select the document from the drop down list open dialogue box appear.
- Select the original document from open dialogue box here we select the original copy document.
- Click the open button the selected document appear in the compared document dialog box.
- Click folder I can to navigate and select revised document under the revised document area you can also select the document from the drop down list the open dialogue box appear.
- Select the device document from open dialogue box here we can select the device to copy document.
- Click the open button the selected document appear in the compare document dialog box.
- Click the okay button a window appear that contain all three documents original revised and compared.
Combining the Documents
Combining different versions of the documents helps you in merging the documents along with all the changes and the formatting of the two documents combining of the documents is done to identify and compare all the changes of both the document that are combined.
Let’s perform the following steps to combine due to documents:-
- Select review tab different commands under the review tab.
- In the compare group click the arrow on the compare button are list appear select the combine option from the list. The combined document dialog box appear.
- Click folder I can to navigate and select the original document under the original document area you can also select the document from the drop down list the opened dialogue box appear.
- Select the original document from the dialogue box here we can select the original copy document.
- Click the open button the selected document appear in the combined document dialog box.
- Click folder I can to navigate and select revised document under the revised document area the open dialog box appear.
- Select the revised document from opened dialogue box we can select the device to copy from document.
- Click the open button the selected document appear in the combined document dialog box.
- Click the okay button a window appear that contain all three document original device and combined.
Protecting your Documents from Unauthorised Access

Protection of a document is necessary if you need to respect the editing of the document by unauthorized person. You can simply do this using various option available in Word. For example, you can restrict the access of your document to certain users so that they cannot read or make a change in content. This is useful in case of confidential documents that are important from privacy point of view and need protection.
Let’s perform the following steps to learn how to protect a document from an authorized access:-
- Click start –>All program–> Microsoft office–> Microsoft office Word and open the document on which you want to put the restriction.
- On review tab under the protect group click the protect document button a list appear select the option restricted access in the restrict permission section.
- Click the yes button in the Microsoft office dialogue box file downloaded security warning dialogue box appear this is an executable file that will install window right management client in your system.
- Click the safe button the save as a dialog box appear.
- Click the save button in the save as dialogue box to save the file in this specified location as a reserve downloading process start.
Here, we are saving the file on the desktop:-
- Double click the window right management client file on the desktop and installation wizard appear.
- Click the next button in the windows rights management client service back to window to install windows right management client the license agreement window appear.
- Accept the agreement by selecting I agree radio button from the license agreement window and then click the next button the confirmed installation window appear.
- Click the next button on the confirm installation window the windows rights management client installation process start.
- Click the close button the installation complete window closes and the window rights management client is installed to your system.
- In the review tab select restricted access. The configuration of computer changes accordingly for information rights management service. The information rights management service sign up wizard appear you have to run this wizard to use this service for the first time.
- Select yes I want to sign up for this free trial service from Microsoft radio button and click the next button the welcome to the window RM account certificate wizard appear.
- Select yes I have a meet passport radio button and click the next button the sign into an NET passport window appear.
- Enter the email address and password in the respective field and click sign in the specify your email address window appear.
- Enter the email that you have entered for login in the email address textbox and click the next button.
- Select certificate type window appear by default temporary radio button is selected you can also select they standard radio button to select the standard certificate and click the next button. As a result download process start as. After downloading is over the completing the windows downloading RM account certificate wizard window appear.
- Click the finish button. The whole process of creation of RM certificate complete as a result Microsoft office Word dialogue box appear verifying the log on information to save the content with restricted permission now as soon as the verification process is over permission dialogue box appear here the read and change button our inactive.
- Select the cheque box restrict permission to this document as a result the read and change button become active.
- Click Di read button to select the recipients for restricting their excess on the current document the select name dialog box appear.
- After selecting the names click the okay button corresponding email address of all the selected name appear in the read and change boxes.
- Click the okay button as a result certain person listed in the read and change combo boxes are restricted from accessing or changing the current document.
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