Home tab in PowerPoint: In MS PowerPoint, on the ribbon under the Home tab, contains a font group for editing or formatting on a text and the new slide icon. The Home tab contains icons such as Paste, Cut, Copy, Format and Layout.
Groups of Home tab
There are six groups in Home tab :
- Clipboard Group
- Slides Group
- Font Group
- Paragraph Group
- Drawing Group
- Editing Group
Clipboard Group
This tool group contains the commands which are used to cut, copy and paste a certain selected text.
In the Clipboard Group, there are four options:
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Format Painter
Cut (Ctrl + X)
This option removes the selection and put it on the keyboard and paste it somewhere else where you want.
Copy (Ctrl +C)
This option puts a copy of the selection on the clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else where you need.
Paste (Ctrl + V)
By using this option, you can paste the copied and cut data.
Copying and Pasting Text
If we want to repeat an entire sentence, we can use the Copy and Paste command.
To copy and paste the text we have to follow the given steps:
- Select the text that you want to copy.
- Click on Home tab, click Copy icon from the clipboard group or press Ctrl + C key together.
- Click the place where you want to paste this text.
- Click on the Home tab, click Paste icon on the clipboard group or press the Ctrl + V together.
Cutting and Pasting Text
To cut text or an object, simply follow the given steps:
- Select the text that you want to move.
- Click on Home tab, click Cut icon on the Clipboard group or press Ctrl + X key together.
- Click the place where you want to insert this text.
- Click on the Home tab, click the Paste icon on the Clipboard group or press the Ctrl + V key together.
Format Painter
Suppose that you like the look of the particular selection and you want to apply that look to other content in the document. This option helps you to automatically apply that look in other content easily.
To get started :
- Select content with the formatting you like.
- Click Format Painter.
- Click something else to automatically applying the formatting.
Slides Group
The Slides Group allows you to insert new slides as well as adjust the layout of your individual slides.
New Slide (Ctrl +M)
After creating a presentation file we can insert a new slide into the presentation according to our need.
To insert a new slide in the presentation do the following :
- Click on the Home tab and click on New Slide in the Slides group.
- Choose the desired slide layout from the menu that appears.
- The new slide will appear.
Duplicate Selected Slides
To add a slide that contains the content of an existing slide in a presentation, you can duplicate the slide.
To duplicate the slides do this:
- Select the slide you want to duplicate.
- On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide down arrow and choose Duplicate Selected Slides.
Reuse Slides
You can reuse slides from Slide Libraries or other PowerPoint files in your open presentation.
You can use layouts to arrange objects and text on slide. A layout contains placeholders such as titles and bulleted lists and slide content, such as SmartArt graphics, tables, charts, shapes and ClipArt. You can change the layouts of your slides according to your needs.
There are nine types of layouts available in PowerPoint:
- Title Slide
- Title and Content
- Section Header
- Two Content
- Comparison
- Title Only
- Blank
- Content with Caption
- Picture with Caption
This option allows you to reset the position, size, and formatting of the slide placeholders to their default settings.
By using this option you can organize your slides into sections.
Font Group
In this group, you can select the font, adjust the font type and size and change the color or highlighting. You can make your text bold, italic or underline from here.
By this option we can change the font of a selected text on the slide.
To change the font style follow this step :
- Select the text or group of text.
- Go to Home tab and select an appropriate font style in the Font group.
Font Size
By this option we can change the font size of a selected text on the slide.
To change the font size follow this step :
- Select the text or group of text.
- Go to Home tab and select an appropriate Font Size in the Font group.
Increase Font Size (Ctrl +Shift + >)
By this option, we can make our text a bit bigger.
To use this option, follow this :
- Select the text or group of text.
- In the Home tab under the Font group, click Increase Font Size.
Decrease Font Size (Ctrl +Shift + <)
By this option, we can make our text a bit smaller.
To use this option, follow this :
- Select the text or group of text.
- In the Home tab under the Font group, click Decrease Font Size.
Bold (Ctrl + B)
With the help of Home tab’s Font group bold option, you can bold the selected text.
Here the following steps to make the text bold:
- Select the text that you want to make bold.
- In the Font group of the Home tab, click the Bold button.
- The selected text appears as bold.
Italic (Ctrl + I)
With the help of Home tab’s Font group italic option, you can italic the selected text.
Here the following steps to make the text italic:
- Select the text that you want to make italic.
- In the Font group of the Home tab, click the Italic button.
- The selected text appears as italic.
Underline (Ctrl + U)
With the help of Home tab’s Font group underline option, you can underline the selected text.
Here the following steps to make the text underline:
- Select the text that you want to make underline.
- In the Font group of the Home tab, click the underline button.
- The selected text appears as underline.
Text Shadow
Using this option, we can add a shadow behind the selected text to help it stand out on the slide.
Cross something out by drawing a line through it.
Character Spacing
To adjust the distance or spacing between the characters, click on Character Spacing option. With the help of this option you can adjust spacing.
In this drop down list five options are shown. These are:
- Very Tight
- Tight
- Normal
- Loose
- Very loose.
If these options are not enough to adjust spacing then you can select the More Spacing option to fulfill the spacing.
Change Case
PowerPoint provides the facilities to change capitalization of any text by using the Change Case command.
There are five options in this command :
- Sentence Case
- lowercase
- Capitalize Each Word
To apply capitalization to characters, do this:
- Select the text for which you want to change capitalization.
- Click the Home tab. In the Font group, choose Change Case command icon.
- Select the desired option you want to apply to the text.
Clear All Formatting
This option removes all formatting from the selection leaving only the normal, unformatted text.
Font Color
The colour of the text is black by default you can however change the colour of the text. You can apply different color to different portions of the text to make them more attractive.
Here are the steps to change the colour of the text :
- Select the text whose colour you want to change.
- In the Font group of the Home tab click the down arrow of the Font colour button.
- Select the desired colour for the text in the list.
Paragraph Group
The Paragraph group contains bullets or numbered lists. It also changes the alignment of text and change the spacing between lines.
Bullets are used to highlight some special cases to be represented in clear and fair way. Bullet are formally known as unnumbered list which uses a symbol to show.
Steps to apply bullet:
- Select the text or group of sentences.
- Go to Home tab and click to Bullet tool in Paragraph group.
- Select a pattern of the bullet.
If we are delivering some steps to perform or execute a task then we use numbering. Numbering uses numerical, alphabetical or roman numbers to display it.
Steps to apply numbering:
- Select the text or group of sentences.
- Go to Home tab and click to Numbering tool in Paragraph group.
- Select a pattern of the numbering.
Formatting includes the position of the text on the slide depending on what other elements you include on this slide, such a chart or other art items or a table.
There are four options available for this purpose:
- Align Left
- Center
- Align Right
- Justify
To align the text, first selected the text and then click on any of the align options in the Paragraph group under the Home tab.
Line Spacing
Line spacing is the total height of the line of text which also includes extra space. Line spacing ofte determines how easy it is to read a document.
To increase or decrease the space between lines line spacing option is used. To use line spacing option follow the steps:
- Select the text and choose the Line Spacing option given in Paragraph Group in Home tab.
- A drop down box will appear, choose the desired option from the list.
Add or remove Column
By using this option you can split your text into two or more columns. You can also choose the width and spacing of your columns, or use one of the preset formats.
Text Direction
This option is used to change the orientation of the text. It has four options:
- Horizontal
- Rotate all text 90°
- Rotate all text 270°
- Stacked
To change the direction of the text select the Text direction option of the Paragraph group from Home tab and select the desired direction type.
Align Text
By using this option you can change how your text is aligned within the text box. To align the text, first select it and then click on Align Text in the Paragraph group of Home tab.
Smart Art
SmartArt graphic is a visual representation of your information that you can quickly and easily create, choosing from among many different layouts, to effectively communicate your message or ideas.
When you create a SmartArt graphic, you are prompted to choose a type of SmartArt graphics, such as Process Hierarchy, Cycle or Relationship. A type is similar to a category of SmartArt graphic and each type contains several different layouts.
Here are the steps to insert a SmartArt graphics into the slides:
- Go to the Insert tab and click SmartArt tool in the Illustration group.
- Choose a specific SmartArt graphic in the dialog.
- Click OK.
Drawing Group
Drawing group has commands to Insert shapes, arrange object on given slide. It also applies fill color in the selected shape and adds effect to the shape.
You can add shape to your presentation. Available shapes include lines, basic geometrical shapes, equation, flowchart etc. You can draw and revise shapes, lines, text and pictures to create a professional looking presentation. Each of the objects you draw for your slide can designed as per your need. PowerPoint shapes are familiar shapes that you are likely to use very often. These shapes are fully adjustable in size. Many shapes include additional adjusting handle, which allows you to adjust many characteristic features.
Here are the steps to insert a shape:
- Go to Insert tab and click Shapes in Illustration group.
- Choose a type of shape whichever you want.
- Drag the shape into the slide as you want whereas.
- Resize and scale the shape you choose on the slide.
Arrange objects on the slide by changing their order, position and rotation. You can also group multiple objects together so that they will be treated like a single object.
Quick Styles
This option is used to quickly add a visual style to the selected shape or line. Each style uses a unique combination of color, line, and other effects to change the shape’s appearance. Hover over a Quick Style in the gallery to preview your new look.
Shape Fill
Click the Shape Fill drop down arrow to apply the selected shape with a solid colour, gradient, picture or texture.
Shape Outline
Click the Shape Outline drop down arrow to specify the colour, width, and line style for the outline of the selected shape.
Shape Effects
Click the Shape Effects drop down arrow to apply a visual effect to the selected shape such as shadow, glow, reflection, 3D rotation etc.
Editing Group
Editing Group has Find, Replace and Select commands to edit your slide.
Find (Ctrl +F)
By this option we can find text using advanced search options, such as Match Case and Whole Words only.
Replace (Ctrl +H)
By using this option, you can search for text you’d like to change and replace it with something else.
By using this option you can select text or objects in your document. This is particularly helpful for selecting text with certain formatting or objects that are behind text.
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