Microsoft Office

Home Tab In Ms Word

Home Tab In Ms Word:- Microsoft Word is a word processing application that allows you to create a variety of document, including letters, resume, paragraph composing and more. Microsoft word is a tool of Microsoft office suite which has a large number of earlier and latest versions. Here we will discuss about only Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 versions.

Home Tab in MS Word

Elements of home tab

There are five groups in home tab :

  1. Clipboard Group
  2. Font Group
  3. Paragraph Group
  4. Styles Group
  5. Editing Group

Clipboard Group

Clipboard Group

The Office Clipboard works with the standard Copy and Paste commands. Just copy an item to the Office Clipboard to add it to your collection, and then paste it from the Office Clipboard into any office document at anytime.

Cut, Copy and Paste

Cut, Copy and Paste are the most frequently used command ever in Word processing applications.

Paste (Ctrl + V)

Pick a paste option, such as keeping formatting or pasting only content.

Cut (Ctrl + X)

Remove the selection and put it on the Clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else.

Copy (Ctrl +C)

Put a copy of the selection on the Clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else.

Coping and Pasting text

Suppose you are writing an article on some operating system for intense, Windows. You may need to type the name of the software numerous times in a document. In such case instead of typing the name every time you can copy the name and then paste it at every instance.

Here the steps to copy and paste text in a document:

  1. Select the text that you want to copy.
  2. In the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click the Copy button.
  3. Place the mouse cursor at the location where you want to paste the copied text.
  4. Click the upper part of the Paste button in the Clipboard group.

The copy text is pasted at the current location of the mouse cursor.

Cutting and pasting text

There may be occasions when you have mistakenly added a text that was intended to be at some other place in the document. In such a situation, you can cut the text from its current location and paste it at the desired location.

Here are the following steps to cut and paste some text in a Word document:

  1. Select the text that you want to copy.
  2. In a Clipboard group of the Home tab, click the Cut button.
  3. Place the mouse cursor at the location where you want to paste the cut text.
  4. Click the upper part of the Paste button in the Clipboard group.

The cut text is pasted at the desired location.

Paste Special (Ctrl + Alt + V)

The Paste Special option of Home menu is used to place the cut and copied matter to any desert position within same document or in some other document or even in some other software. The main advantage with paste special is that a user can place the source matter with or without formatting available at the source location. The printing quality of the target matter can also be improved.

Format Painter

Consider a situation where a particular text, such as the name of an employee appears many times in a document and you want that on every occurrence of that text, it has the same formatting. In such a situation, you can apply the formatting at one occurrence of the text, copy that formatting and apply it at rest of the occurrences. In Word, you can use the Format Painter to easily and quickly copy the formatting of one text and apply it on the text at some other place.

Here are the following steps to copy the formatting using the Format Painter:

  1. Select the text whose formatting you want to copy.
  2. In the Clipboard group of the Home tab, click the Format Painter button.
  3. Select the text on which you want to apply the copied formatting.

The copied formatting applies to the selected text.

Font Group

Font Group

You can specify how you want text to appear by selecting options in the Font dialog box. Using this tool a user can use different font and apply appearance to it.

Changing font and font size of the text

You can change the font and phone size of the text in your document in very simple steps. There are several font and fonts size that you can choose from a particular text.

Changing the font style of the text

Here are the following steps to change the font of the texts:

  1. Select the text whose font style you want to change.
  2. In the Font Group of the Home tab, click the down arrow of the Font drop-down list.
  3. Select a desired font style from the list.

Now the selected font style has applied on the selected text.

Changing the font size of the text

Here are the following steps to change the font size of the text:

  1. Select the text who font size you want to change.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab, click the down arrow of the Font Size.
  3. Select a desired font size for the selected text.

Now the selected font will be applied to the selected text.

Applying Bold, Italic, and Underline

You can make your text more attractive by applying bold, Italic and underline style to the text. You can also use this to make some important things more attractive.

Applying bold to the text: (Ctrl + B)

Here the following steps to make the text bold:

  1. Select the text that you want to make bold.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab, click the Bold button.
  3. The selected text appears as bold.
Applying Italic to the text (Ctrl + I)

Here the following steps to make the text Italic:

  1. Select the text that you want to apply Italic.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab, click the Italic button.

The selected text appears italicized.

Applying underline to the text (Ctrl+U)

Here are the following steps to underline the text:

  1. Select the text that to want to underline.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab, click the Underline button.

The selected text appears underlined.


Cross something out by drawing a line through it.

Subscript (Ctrl+=)

Type very small letters just below the line of text.


Type very small letters just above the line of text.

Changing the Colour of Text

The colour of the text is black by default you can however change the colour of the text and variety in your documents you can apply different color to different portions of the text to make them more attractive.

Here are the steps to change the colour of the text in a documents:

  1. Select the text whose colour you want to change.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab click the down arrow of the Font colour button.
  3. Select the desired colour for the text in the list.

The colour of the selected text will be changed.

Highlighting the Text

You can emphasize some portion of the text in your Word document by highlighting it with a particular colour. When you highlight some text in a document it appears as it if has been smeared with the highlighter pen.

Here are the steps to highlight text in a document:

  1. Selected the text that you want to highlight.
  2. In the Font group of the Home tab, click the down arrow of the Text Highlight Colour button.
  3. Select the desired colour in the list.

The selected text will be highlighted.

Paragraph Group

Paragraph Group

Paragraph determines Line Spacing, Alignment of the text and Bullet and Numbering, Paragraph Marking as well as Sorting.

Aligning the text

While adding text in your document, you may have noticed that, by default, the text on each line appears uniformly at an equal distance from the left margin of the page. Such a uniform visual arrangement of the text along the margins of the page is referred to as alignment. 

In Word, there are four types of alignment available: 

  1. Left Align
  2. Right Align
  3. Center Align
  4. Justify 

Here are the steps to set the alignment of the text:

  1. Select the text that you want to align.
  2. In the Paragraph group of the Home tab, click the desired align style that you want to apply.

The selected text will be aligned according to the selected alignment.

Bullets and Numbers

Very open we have to present our text in the form of list of points. Facts presented in this form are easy to remember. A list of points can be highlighted using bullets and numbers. Bullets are graphic symbols that are used to highlight each point in the list. Number list are used in the list of the points are ordered.

To use Bullets, follow the step:

  1. Select the list of options that you want to make a Bulleted list.
  2. In the Paragraph group of the Home tab, click the down arrow of bullets button.
  3. Select a desired Bullet format that you want for the bulleted list.

The document with Bulleted list will be appeared.

To use numbers follow the steps:

  1. Select the set of sequential steps that you want to make a number list.
  2. In the Paragraph group of the Home tab, click the down arrow of the numbering button.
  3. Select the desired number format that you want to use for the number list.

The document with the number list will appear.

Multilevel List

Create a multilevel list to organize item or create an outline.

You can also change the look of individual levels in your list or add numbering to headings in a documents.


You can also intent the text to set the distance between the text and the margin of a document. You can indent text from the right margin as well as the left margin of the document. You can indent the single paragraph or multiple paragraphs.

Here are the following steps to intent a paragraph:

  1. Select the paragraph that you want to intent.
  2. In the Paragraph group of the Home tab, click the up arrow of the Indent Left box to indent the selected paragraph to the right of the left margin.
  3. You can also intent the paragraph from the right margin by up or down arrows of the Indent Right box in the Paragraph group of the Home tab.
Line Spacing 

Here are the following steps to set the line spacing in a document:

  1. Select the paragraph for which you want to set the line spacing.
  2. In the Paragraph group of the Home tab, click the Line spacing button.
  3. Select the desired line spacing option in the list.
  4. The line spacing of the selected paragraph will be changed.
Border and Shading

Border and shading are added in order to make the text look more attractive and appealing.


Change the colour behind the selected text, paragraph or table cells.

This is especially useful when you want information to jump off the page.


Add or remove borders from your selection.

To change the look of the borders, check out the option on the Table Tool Design tab or use the Border and Shading dialog box.

Styles Group

Styles Group

Styles are sets of styles that are designed to work together to create an attractive and professional looking document. A style is a set of different formatting, such as font, font size, bold, underline, text colour and so on. With the help of a styles, you need not to go through different command sets and dialog boxes to get the desired look of the text- you just have to select the appropriate style.

Applying a Style

In word, there are some pre-defined styles. The availability of the styles depends on the template on which document is based. For instance, with the blank template, you have style such as Normal, Heading 1, Heading 2, Title and Strong.

 You can apply styles from the Quick Style gallery or the Styles window. Both of them display a list of the available styles. You can apply a style to a single character, a word, a line or an entire paragraph.

Here are the following steps to apply a style to some text:

  • Select the text to which you want to apply style.
  • In the Styles group of the Home tab, click the More button.
  • Select the style that you want to apply to the selected text.
Creating a new style

Apart from the pre-defined style, you can create your own style to meet some specific requirements of your documents.

Here are the following steps to create a new style:

  1. Select the text whose formatting you want to make as a style and apply the desired formatting.
  2. Right click the formatted text and select Styles→Save Selection as a New Quick Style.
  3. Type the name that you want to give to the new style in the Name text box.
  4. Click the OK button in the dialog box.

You can view the newly created style in the Quick Style gallery and the Styles window. You can apply the newly created style to the text in your document just like you apply a pre-defined style.

Changing a Style

Consider a situation where you have applied a style to different portions of the text in the document. Now, if at any point, you want to change the formatting of those portions of the text, then instead of changing the formatting at every place, you can change the style itself. You can change the style by changing the different formatting attributes.

Here are the following steps to change a style:

  1. In this Styles group of the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher.
  2. Place a mouse arrow over the name of the style that you want to change.
  3. Click the down arrow and select Modify.
  4. Make the desired changes for the style.
  5. Click the OK button.

The new changes automatically apply to the style.

Removing a style from the Quick Style Gallery

Suppose you created a new style that you no longer need. In such a situation, you can remove that style from the Quick Style gallery. When you remove a style from the Quick Style gallery, it is still visible in the Styles window.

Here are the following steps to remove a style from the Quick Style Gallery:

  1. In this Styles group of the Home tab, click the More button to view the styles.
  2. Right click the style that you want to remove from the Quick Style gallery and select Remove from Quick Style Gallery.

The style is removed from the Quick Style gallery; however, it remains visible in the Styles window.

Editing Group

Editing Group

In Word you can Find and Replace a word or number or symbol with the tools embedded. You can select all text or partial to apply a formatting.

Finding Text (Ctrl+F)

You can quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase.

Here are the following steps to find text:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find.
  2. In the find what box that the text that you want to search for.

Then do one of the following :

  • To find each instance of a word or phrase, click Find Next.
  • To find all instances of a specific word or phrase at one time, click Find All, and then click Main Document.
Replacing text (Ctrl + H)

You can automatically replace a word or phrase with another:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Replace.
  2. In the Find what box, type the text that you want to search for.
  3. In the Replace with box, type the replacement text.

Do one of the following

  • To find at a next occurrence of the text, click Find Next.
  • To replace an occurrence of the text, click Replace. After you click Replace, Word moves to the next occurrence of the text.
  • To replace all occurrence of the text, click Replace All.
Selecting Text (Ctrl + A)

After you have added text in a document you may perform various operations on the text such as editing certain portions of the text, applying formatting, and so on. In order to perform such operations, you need to first select the text. You can select a single letter, a word, a paragraph, or all the text in the document.

Here are the following steps to select some text in the word documents:

  1. In the document, click to the immediate left of the text that you want to select.
  2. Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse cursor on the desired text. The text is highlighted which indicates that text is selected.
  3. Release the left mouse button.

Now the text has been selected.

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About the author

Pooja Rastogi

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