Components of MS PowerPoint: PowerPoint is a best presentation program of MS Office and each page of presentation is called slide. It is used for creating animations. The application software that can create professional looking visual aids is called presentation graphics software. The presentation software is used for creation of the slides and to display the information in the form of presentation of slides. A presentation software provides tools like editor that allows insertion and formatting of text and methods for inserting and manipulating graphics images along with sound and visual effects.

It has set new standards for the working of presentation graphics. PowerPoint helps you in bringing ideas and information that you want to convey to your audience with no difficulty. With PowerPoint you can:
- Quickly create paper for OverHead Projector (OHP), 35 mm slide or on-screen presentations.
- Supplement your presentations with speaker’s notes.
- Use material you have created in other application packages such as Word and Excel.
Components of PowerPoint
Various components of MS PowerPoint window are described below :
Title Bar : The title bar is at the top of the screen. It shows the title PowerPoint and the name of presentation. If you have not yet save any presentation then it displays the default name for the presentation which is Presentation1.
Ribbon : Ribbon is displayed just below the title bar. In Ribbon commands are organized in logical groups which are collected together under tabs. It is same as Word and Excel just few tabs are different like Animations, Slide Show etc.
Slide : It appears in the centre of the window. Slides individual pages of a presentation. It may contain text, graphs, clipart etc. You can even print slides for overhead projector transparencies.
Slide Pane : This area of PowerPoint window displays all the slides that are added in the presentation. You can see how your text looks on each slide. You can add SmartArt graphics, movies and sounds, create hyperlink and add animations to individual slides.
Slides View Tab : This tab displays a thumbnail view of all the slides. The thumbnails make it easy for you to navigate through your presentation and to see the effect of any design changes. You can also easily rearrange, add or delete slides.
Outline View Tab : Use the outline tab to organise and develop the contents of your presentation. You can type all of the text of your presentation and rearrange bullet points, paragraphs and slides. This tab displays the text contained in the presentation in an outline format.
Notes Section : This can be used for creating notes. The notes pane lets you add speaker notes or information you want to share with the audience. If you want to have graphic in your notes you must add the notes in notes page view.
Status Bar : This displays the number of the slide that is currently being displayed.
Quick Access Toolbar : This toolbar is located by default at the top of PowerPoint window. By default this toolbar displays the Save, Undo and Repeat buttons.
Minimize button : Shrinks the application window to a bar on the taskbar, you can click its button on the taskbar to reopen it.
Maximize button : A box at the right of a title bar that fills available space with the document or application.
Restore button : A double box at the right of a title bar that restores an application or document into a sizable window.
Close button : A box at the right of a title bar (X) that closes the window or dialog box.
Work Area : This is the place where active PowerPoint slides appear.
Status bar : It gives the information about the presentation and provides shortcuts for changing the view and the zoom.
Basics of Microsoft PowerPoint
There are few basic terms of Microsoft PowerPoint :
- Presentation : The presentation is a collection of several slides that contain information in the form of text, audio and video etc on a topic. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in business meetings and for training and educational purposes.
- Slides : Each page of presentation is called slide in which we can type text by using placeholders, insert pictures, charts or other graphics, animate object, add movie and sound and play this during presentation Run time.
- Layout : Slide layout contain formatting, positioning and placeholder boxes for all of the content that appear on a slide. Placeholders are the dotted-line containers on slide layouts that hold such content as titles, body text, tables, charts, SmartArt graphics, pictures, clip art, videos and sound. Slide layout also contains the colors, fonts, effects and the background (collectively known as the theme) of a slide.
- View : You can view your PowerPoint file in a variety of ways, depending on the task at hand. Some views are helpful when you are creating your presentation and some are most helpful for delivering your presentation. PowerPoint has Normal view, Slide Sorter view, Notes Pages view, Slide Show view, Slide Master View, Handouts Master, Notes Master view, etc.
- Slide Show : It is the running stage of the presentation that displays all the slide with transition and animation effects according to fixed time interval fixed by a user.
- Animation : In Microsoft PowerPoint animations are visual effects applied to individual items such as graphics, titles or bullet points rather than to the slide itself.
- Transition : A transition is the effect that takes place when you advance from one slide to the next. This feature is available only with Slide Shows.