Component of Microsoft-Word With New Version:-Microsoft Office was developed by Microsoft Inc in 1988. It is a collection of software, based on specific purpose and mainly used in office work. You can start any software of MS-Office by using the Start button. MS-Word is a Word processing application which is one of the most important and widely used applications found on computer. Word processing software is mainly used to the creation of text based documents. It provides tools for composing, editing, formatting and printing of documents smaller than 45 Kb. The document can be a poster, report, letter, brochure, Web page, newsletter, etc. eg. Word star, Easy Word, Notepad for Windows.
Microsoft Word is a word processing application that allows you to create a verity of document, including letters, resume, paragraph composing and more. Microsoft word is a tool of Microsoft office suite which has a large number of earlier and latest versions. Here we will discuss about only Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 versions.
Microsoft office word 2019 is the latest versions of Microsoft Office suite package for windows and Mac where this overcomes over all the previous version launched earlier. It was released to general availability for Windows 10 and for macOS on September 24, 2018. MS Office 2019 is a used to create, edit, save and print the document like earlier version of office.
We can also perform same work on Microsoft word 2019, as we performed on Microsoft word 2010, 2013 and 2016. There may be some slight differences, but for the most part these versions are similar. Microsoft provide mainly five software in its package like………………….
There are five package of MS-Office
- MS-Word (Word Processing Software)
- MS-Excel (Tabular Data Formatting Software)
- MS-PowerPoint (Presentation Software)
- MS-Access (Database Management Software)
- MS-Outlook (E-mail Client)
Opening MS Word Processing Package
Starting Microsoft word 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 etc are very easy like its earlier version.if you open word any window to perform the following step………………………………………………..
Step to open Microsoft 2010/2013/2016/2019
1.) Click on the start button >select all programs select Microsoft office, and then select Mic
2.) For quick access you have to do double click on Microsoft word icon available on your desktop. 3.) In search box you can also type run and enter, the run dialog box will appear here you type win word and click OK Microsoft window will be appear.
4.) In search box you can type “word“, the search box will display Microsoft word program, which is saved on your drive
Element of Word Windows
Title bar
It is located at the top of the window and display the document name the format of the name displayed on the title bar is document name Microsoft word
Quick access toolbar
It is placed to the right of the office button and contain shortcut for the commonly used tools like save and do we do etc can also be place below the ribbon
Ribbon and tab
Microsoft office displays commands in a series of icon stored on different tabs this combination of icons and tabs is known as the ribbon interface each tab contains every groups of related commands for example the front of the home tab contains commands for formatting text in your document.
Ribbon Tab Name | Command Group |
file | Office button have been replaced with file tab which have contain various command same as office button. |
Home | Clipboard, Font(ctrl+D), Paragraph, Styles (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S (styles)), and Editing |
insert | Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Apps, Media, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbol |
Design | Document Formatting and Page Background |
Pagelayout/ layout | Page Setup, Paragraph, and Arrange |
References | Tables of Contents, Footnotes, Citation & Bibliography, Captions, lndex, and Tables of Authorities |
Mailings | Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, and Finish. |
Review | Proofing, Language, Comments, Tracking, Changes Compare, and Protect. |
View | Views, Show, Zoom, Window, and Macros |
Ruler at the top (Horizontal) and left side (Vertical) of the page that shows the margin, in them and tab settings ( on the horizontal ruler).Indent is used for word wrapping settings if you want you can also hide the ruler to create more screen space from view tab.
Status Bar
This bar appears are the bottom of the screen that shows information about the page, section line and location of the insertion point information about macro according recording (REC) , Track change (TRK),extended selection (EXT),over typing(OVR) and word count extra also shows on this bar
Scroll bar
Scroll bar is used to view the whole active window there are two types of scrollbars is that horizontal and vertical scrollbars
Zoom control
Let us women for a closer look at your text to zoom control consists of a slider you can slide it left or right to zoom in or out to increase or decrease the zoom factor
Features Of Microsoft 2013/2016/2019
With the introduction of several enhanced features Microsoft word 2013 give the facility to do more with your word processing
I like earlier versions of Microsoft word when you start Microsoft word 2013 you will get the opening window from here you will be able to create a new document to the template or access your recently edited documents you can also search for other templates online by using the search box given at the top of the page from the word start screen select the bank document to access the word interface
The ribbon and Microsoft word 2013 is quite similar to word 2010 which of you additional features the ribbon has replace the traditional menus which were present in the previous versions of Microsoft office the Rebel contains multiple times each with several groups of commands the home tab is selected by default whenever you open word
Navigation pane
If you want to organise your document in a proper manner that navigation pane is of big help pressing the CTR + f keys will lead you to the navigation pane you can also click on view navigation present in the show group it is like a tor guide for you document click on headings pages or search results it will take you right there you will find a search box and navigation pane use it to find specific text quickly around the document
Backstage view
Backstage you give you various options for saving opening printing and sharing your document.
Account Connectivity
Microsoft war 2013 offers a new features that could directly connect you to a Microsoft email account. A separate sign in button can be seen on the extreme right of a Ribbon. With the help of this feature user can save and share document with other users while working online.
You can save your file to one drive previously known as sky drive this feature allow a user to upload file to an online storage space and then access them at any time and anywhere from any computer that has an Internet connection
One Drive
you can save your files to one drive previous known as this features allows a user to upload files to an online storage spaces and then access them add anytime and anywhere from any computer that has an Internet connection
Online video
You can add a video to a word documents free to way from the internet by using online video button present tense the media group on the insert tab
The appearance of Microsoft word 2016 is similar to word 2010 and where 2013 but with more enhanced features it contains a customized office background that appears above the ribbon live SS to your one drive account and option to work in read mode tab text that appears blue when active blue background for the status bar and many more exciting new features when you first launch word it opens with the recent screen displayed this screen enables due to create a new blank document or a document from a template and when you exit a document and return later word 2016 resumes where you left of.
We can also perform same work on Microsoft word 2019 as we performed on Microsoft word 2010 2013 and 2016 there may be some slide differences but for the most part these these versions are similar.
This bar appears at the top of the document and displace name of the file as well as minimise restore maximize and close buttons are available at the right side of the bar for controlling the window.
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