
Complete history Of Computer


introduction of computer

What is the history of Computer?

Complete history Of Computer-Computer is not the creation of one day rather it took a long period for the development of modern computer. Computers were preceded by many devices developed by mankind for their computing requirements. However many centuries elapsed before technology was educate Li advanced to develop computers the key development that took place till the first computer was developed are as follows


Invention Abacus
Time16 century
Characteristic1) First machanical calculating device
2) A horizontal rod represents the one,tens,hundred,etc.
Application1) Used for addition and subtraction operation .
2) Calculation of square root can also be performed.

Important Notes

  1.  Abacus is considered as the first computer .
  2. It is also called as soroben.
  3. There are three types of Abacus: Russian Abacus, Chinese Abacus, Japanese Abacus.

Napier Bones

Napier Bones
Invention Napier’s Bones
InventorJohn Napier
Characteristic1)Three dimensional structure.
2)Holding numbers from 0 to 9 only.
3) Represent graphical structure of calculating result.
Application1)Perform multiplication on numbers.
2) Technology used for calculation called Rabdologia.

Important Notes

  1. For the calculation work, sticks made of bones were used.
  2. There are 11 number of rods.
  3. These rods were also called John Napier Rods.
  4. We still use this type of instruments in vehicle’s speedometer etc.


Invention Pascaline
InventorBlaise Pascal
Characteristics1)First machanical adding machine.
2) It was structured by rectangular box with eight disc (represent number of units).
Application1) Perform addition and subtraction of two numbers.
2)Mainly designed with regard to the pressure of liquid.

Important Notes

  1. At the top it has eight different windows.
  2. Inside each window there was a small drum located with the digits of result.
  3. Each drum is made up of two different number rows.
  4. It is excellent for research purpose .
  5. Pascaline has comprehensive graphics design capabilitie.

Jacquard’s Loom

Jacquard Loom
Invention Jacquard’s Loom
InventorJoseph marie Jacquard
Time 1801
Characteristics 1) Mainly waved a silk based pattern.
2) Used punch card for the sequence of operation.
Application1) Simplified the process of textiles.

Important Notes

  1. Information can be stored in the form of arrangement of holes above the punch card.
  2. Information stored on punch card is a set of guidelines that can be programmed whenever a punch card is used , the task is performed according to the information Stored on it.
  3. Different patterns can be weaved according to different fabrics.
  4. These puch cards based on different designs , were put into the loom in advanced, sequentially.

Analytical Engine

Analytical Engine
InventionAnalytical Engine
InventorCharles Babbage (father of computer).
characteristic1) First general purpose computer.
2) Stored program in the form of page also called barrels.
Applications1) It was a decimal machine used sign and magnitude for representation of a number.

Important Notes

  1. Analytical Engine has four parts: input machanism, mill , store, output mechanism.
  2. A problem solving function was planned to be input via punch cards into the input device of the analytical Engine.
  3. The calculation was planned to be carried out in the milled section of the analytical engine .
  4. Just because all the parts of a modern computer are the same as the parts of the machine envisaged by babbage . Hence babbage was considered as the father of Computer science.

Tabulating Machine

InventionTabulating machine
inventorHuman Hollerith
Characteristic1) It used punched cards with round holes.
2) It was the first electromachanical machine,designed to process the data for census in 1890.
ApplicationsRead one card at a time.

Important Notes

  1. Hollerith tabulator was the first data processing device that could convert data into meaningful information.
  2. The work of US census was completed in just three years by the use of tabulator machine.
  3. Hollerith has established a company for making punch cards since 1896. The company was named as international business machine (IBM). 


inventorHaward Aiken
Characteristics1) Consists of interlocking panel of small glass counters switches and control circuit.
2) Data can be entered manually.
Applications1) Mainly used in the war effort during World war II.
2) Magnitudes drums are used for storage.

Important Notes

  1. This computer is also known as automatic sequence controler calculator (ASCC).
  2. It was about 15m long, 2.5m high and weight about 5 tons in size.
  3. In this about 3304 relays, more than 750000 components and about 8 km long electrical cables were used.
  4. It could add two numbers in about 0.3 second and multiply two numbers in 4.5 seconds.


InventorJP Eckertand , JW mauchly
characteristic1) It is a combination of 20 accumulators
2) First electronic digital computer.
Applications1) Used for weather prediction atomic energy calculation and other scientific use.

Important Notes

  1. It was 100 feet long and 10 feet high ans used 18000 vaccum and 1500 relays.
  2. It ran at 140 KW and weight 30 tons.
  3. It could do 5000 addition 350 operations in a second.
  4. Calculation related to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were done on this computer.


InventorJohn von & Morris Wilcus
Characteristic1) It was first computer which provided storage capacity.
2) First computer program was run on machine.
Application1) Capable of storing of storing instructions and data in memory .
2) Used Mercury delay lines for memory vacuum tubes for logic.

Important Notes

  1. The full name of EDSAC is Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer.
  2. It was prepared in 1949 at the University of Cambridge.
  3. It can perform 700 additions and 200 multiplications per second .
  4. Through this computer we can calculate list of prime numbers .


Invention UNIVAC
InventorEckert & John mauchly
Characteristic 1) First general purpose electronic computer with large amount of input and output.
Application 1) Used magnetic tapes as input and output

Important Notes

  1. Full form of UNIVAC is universal automatic Computer .
  2. Through this computer commerical production of computer started .
  3. This computer was an improved version of ENIAC which was made for commercial purpose.
  4. This computer is used for preparing  salary sheets and maintaining accounts of employees in large companies.
  5. In 1954 general electric cooperation introduced the UNIVAC-1 a developed version of Unitech.

IMB-650 Computer

IBM-650 computer
Invention IBM-650 Computer
InventorIBM Company
Characteristic1) Provided input and output units converting algebrattic and special characters to two digit decimal code.
Application 1) payroll processing
2) Oil refinery design
3) Market research analysis.

Important Notes

  1. It is a computer with a full set of decimal, arithmetic, logical and control instructions.
  2. Initially IMB-650 was programmed in machine language then in SOAP (symbolic optimal assembly program).


In this BLOG you have learned the complete history of computer,under which we told you about  types of invention of computer in different years which we had defined via tables and and we have pre defined this by highlighting importance note at the end of the relevant topic . If you read this BLOG completely then you will know almost everything about it . You have also received information about the mechanism of working of these different kinds of computer. If the post seems informative , you can also share it to your classmates and colleagues. For question and suggestions related to the blog, please comment below and let us know.

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About the author

Pooja Rastogi

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